
Heyo I'm Aareon or you can call me Aydan whichever S' easier.[]

Pronouns: He/Him/They/Fae

(I mainly go by he/him pronouns but you can use they or fae too.)

Gender: Enboy/Transmasc/Rosboyflux

(I'm AFAB but I identify gender-wise as a transmasculine Enboy, meaning my gender is both Non-binary and Male but primarily male. AND NO IT'S NOT THE SAME AS DEMI-BOY. I also identify as a Rosboyflux which means I'm a guy but I still feel some connection to femininity)

Sexual Orientation: Abro-Polyam-Bisexual

(Abrosexuality means my attraction is fluid depending on my gender, so I could be gay one day, bisexual the next or Asexual three days from then. Currently my attraction is to both women and men but it's fluid between the two over time. I'm also polyamorous, I prefer to have multiple partners at once.)

Likes: Midnight drives, Lofi, Books, Nature, Baby Animals, Fake scenarios, Avatar, Stargazing

Other info: Ravenclaw, Writer, Music lover, Kinda emo, Gemini, Introvert, Agnostic

"The way of water connects all things, before your birth, and after your death." 💙💦

"I am both human and alien. Outcast, that's all they see." 💔 (Link for a supernatural species I made)
